Wednesday, January 8, 2020


The music drifted out of the club like a vibrating pulse.  I could feel it in my bones. The night was alive with possibility. I could even imagine myself having the women coming up to me. Asking me to dance. Asking me for my number. Asking me, "hey you want to get out of here?"  Meeting Guido, was the best thing to happen to my love life. He made me realize that it wasn't so much that I was doing things wrong, as much as it was that I was looking at things wrong.

I was never popular with the girls throughout junior high and high school. It was even worse during college. I couldn't figure out if it was physical or mental or what the Hell it was. I knew I wasn't Brad Pitt but I didn't exactly think I looked like Sloth from the GOONIES either.  When I looked in the mirror I saw an average guy, with an average smile.  A little shorter than the "Tall" & a little lighter than the "dark" women often described in their ideal man.  I never expected to end up with the prom queen or the girl who turned heads in every room she entered.  I knew I wasn't the type of guy that would end up with that type of girl, but I did think I had it in me to get what it was that I wanted.  A nice girl, beautiful on the inside and what others would call, "pretty" on the outside.

Yet it wasn't happening for me.  Throughout my late teens and my early twenties I couldn't get a girl to like me to save my life.  Sure there were a few desperate women who looked like a cross between Jabba the Hut and Grizzly Adams whose only interest in me was purely physical, but that was it.  No one was truly interested in me.  Getting to know me.  Being with me.  That wasn't happening and I was driving myself mad trying to figure out why.

Then I met Guido....

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