Monday, November 2, 2015

The Panderer (The Paul Ryan Song) - A Parody of "The Wanderer" by Dion

Well, I'm the type of guy who wants to make you frown

If something will benefit you, you know I'll vote it down

I'm a huge hypocrite, I have absolutely no shame

if our society sucks, you know I'm one to blame

I'm a panderer.  Yeah, I'm a panderer.  I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.

I'm rather deft, I'm an extremist to the right

but I'll change my mind 100 times between now and tonight

I have no empathy for those who are oppressed

and I know I'm superior, because I am blessed.

I'm a panderer.  Yeah, I'm a panderer.  I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.

Well, you know my nose is brown

I'll say I worked hard, although I'm a heir

Anything positive, I'll vote it down

And you know about you, I DO NOT care

Well, as you can tell my nose is browned

I think highly of myself, I should wear a crown

Thought of me as president, makes you wanna hurl

For a buck, I'll destroy the world

I'm a panderer.  Yeah, I'm a panderer.  I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.

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