Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Men I would've liked to have known

Jack Kevorkian - I really feel like I learned a lot from listening to this man speak.   I learned that in this life that there are a lot of things that the powers at be try and convince us that are right, when they're not and in turn there are a lot of things that the powers at be try and convince us that are wrong, when they're not.   Kevorkian questioned a system and in turn challenged it and I really admired him for that.   We wouldn't have seen eye to eye on everything, but I think he would have admired my passion as much as I did his.   I was always hoping I'd get the chance to meet him and shake his hand.   It's a shame that I won't get to.

John Candy - One of my favorite actors of all time.   I remember crying the day I found out that he had passed.  That was 20 years ago.   I was at my Grandma Harding's house when it came across the television screen that he was no longer with us.   From what I saw of John he was a genuine and sincere soul, who everyone who had the opportunity to get to know him loved.   I would've liked to have known John Candy.

John Ritter -  I can remember how much of a shock I was in when I heard that John Ritter had died and how it seemed to take the whole country by storm.   When I was little, before I learned what Ritter's real name was I always referred to him as "The Dad" actor.   I'd say when trying to describe him to friends or family, "Yeah, you know that Dad guy, the guy that acts like a Dad" and essentially that's how I've always thought of John Ritter.   Maybe it was just the characters that he often played, but whether it was in a movie, television show or interview he just always seemed to go out of his way to make you feel better about yourself.   He seemed very much the kind of person that made you feel important and glad to be here.   He had an aura to him that just seemed to fill the whole room.   I would've liked to have known John Ritter.

Captain Lou Albano -  I admire passion.  I'm a man of passion and I admire people who are empathetic and passionate.    The professional wrestling is a world of few gems among an assortment creeps, jerks, liars, users and cheaters.   Albano was one of the gems.  He loved the business and he loved anyone who loved the business.   He wasn't one of these back stabbing snakes that would screw anyone and everyone to get to the top like so many others are in professional wrestling.  He was one that would actually go out of his way to help guys to make it.   If you had a dream and he thought he could help you to achieve it, he would.  The world lost a true treasure the day Albano died.  I would've liked to have known him.

Reverend Wade Watts -  It may seem strange to hear an agnostic say how much he admired a devout Christian, but I will say this, if all Christians were like Wade Watts, you'd never hear me complain about any of them again.   He was passionate, sincere and genuine.  A man who truly cared about other people and a man who truly did all he could to make this world a better place.    He didn't just preach love, he lived it.    The world certainly didn't need Wade Watts taken away from it.  If anything the world could use more Reverend Wade Watts's.  I'm sorry I never had the chance to get to know the man. 

Steve Irwin -  "You were too good for this world"  Steve Irwin was a rare gift to this world that we were very lucky to have ever known.    What makes me loathe people so much sometimes is their inability to be pure, raw and honest and that's what made me admire Irwin so much.   The man didn't have a mean bone in his body.  He was full of nothing but good.  Most people don't love one another as much as he loved an alligator.   Most wives don't love their husbands as much as he loved a poisonous snake that would have easily have bitten and killed him.   This world can often be a very cruel and ugly place in many ways.  Thank you Steve Irwin for being some of the beauty that remained within it.   I'm sad I never got to know you.

Tiny Tim - When I first saw Tiny Tim on Television, I thought he was just a weird creepy guy.   Yet years later when I was running across famous Iowans and learned that he lived for a substantial time in Des Moines, I learned all about this extremely fascinating individual.  A gentle soul who was kind to everyone that he ever met.  I've heard stories from those who have met him, and how they said he was never too busy for an autograph or to shake hands and answer a few questions.    What I admire most about Tim is that he was never judgmental of people and saw that he had as many faults as anyone else did.   He was never too good for someone and that in a world full of egocentric, arrogant pompous individuals is something to admire.   He was one of the most honest individuals who ever made it in show business.

There are many more individuals that are now gone from us that I'll never get to know.   I can't think of them right now, but these individuals are a few of the ones I could think of for right now.   

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