The other thing is, I don't believe in redoing what was already done right. I don't get that. I mean I do. I'm not ignorant as to why it's being done. It's a cash cow. It made money before, it'll make money again. Yet in my opinion, I don't wanna see something that is already great redone. I want to see something that had potential to be great & turned out like shit redone. That's the film I want to see reimagined. My whole life I've wanted to be a screenplay writer. I've wanted to be in the world of making films. At this point it's nothing more than a dream. Nothing more than a my imagination.
You want 10 films I'd remake? Here you go.
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I first watched this film on USA Network back in the early 1990's. I felt then & I feel now that the film had a lot going for it. It has a strong central story. Meredith Baxter was great. David Ogden Stiers was phenomenal. It starts off so strong but then it falls apart. I'd love to know the back story on this film. Did they run out of time? Run out of ideas? Run out of money? About half way through the film seems to get lazy. Seems to give up. The premise here is strong.
A young boy during class one day is watching photo slides of a city that he's never been to. Yet a couple of the photos stir up memories. As if he's seen them before. He begins to have nightmares that he's not really who he thinks he is. That the people he calls mom & dad, aren't really his parents. As the film progresses the mystery begins to unravel & the intensity heightens. Then suddenly it takes a dive off into the deep end & it never returns.
I could take this film & rewrite it into something good. It's already there. Really its a simple matter of revision. That's all it is. This could be a great film if done right.
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I came across this film one day when looking through the collection of films that my High School English teacher Cheree Mann (Nee Murtaugh) had in her class. It fascinated me because I immediately recognized actor Robert McNaughton on the cover. I was under the impression at the time that the only film McNaughton had ever done was E.T. I didn't realize that he had ever been in any other film. When I looked him up, I discovered that he had done two films. I Am The Cheese being his other. I asked Ms. Mann if I could borrow it. She allowed me.
It was a deep, confusing & complicated film. Very difficult to follow. Hard to know what was going on. What was reality? What was imagination? I liked it, but left in complete wonder as to what I had just watched.
Years later, I read the book. It was more clear. Still a bit of ambiguity but not to the level frustration that the film was. I think I could do better. I think I could make a film that reflected the novel in a better way than the original film did.
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First off to Hell with the Rob Zombie pieces of rubbish that somehow still get categorized as films. Take those movies & shove em. I want nothing to do with them other than to be present when they're buried in a land fill, burned in a huge bonfire or shipped to the moon. Be rid that pollution of the Earth & hope no alien life form ever endures the torture of coming across it. Now I love Malcom McDowell & I love Danielle Harris & I love Brad Douriff. I'll pain myself to even admit that the film had excellent lighting but my praise ends there. My criticism starts & it never ends. I hate the story. I hate what Zombie did with the characters. I hate it. Cool? Sweet. So it's not getting mentioned again.
Secondly, with what I would want to do the new Halloween films aren't gonna be a part of this either. Sorry Jamie Lee Curtis, it's not all about you. You're PART OF the focus, you aren't THE focus. Laurie Strode is a character. A central one & one of the most important ones. However, she's not the only one. If you can make a shrine that ignores over half of the series to yourself & then turn around and make a newer shrine that ignores your original shrine....Then I can completely ignore what I want to too.
What I want to do here is take all eight of the original Halloween films & interconnect them in a episodic series. I think I could do it in 22 one hour segments. I wouldn't use everything. Their would be storylines & ideas, as well as some characters omitted from the series. I of course would come up with some new ideas as well. Each film would contribute something.
I know many hated Halloween Resurrection. I wasn't too fond of it myself but it did provide something that I feel was useful. I mean what the Hell does Michael do in between coming back on Halloween night every so often? Where is he at? I think Resurrection provided what could be a satisfying answer to the question. I also LOVE the alternate opening to the film as well. I think that could be very useful.
Do I really think I could tie in Halloween III: The Season of the Witch? Yes, I do.
I've given this a lot of thought. I think I'd need a bunch of room to stretch my creative arms to their full potential but I could make a twenty-two episodic series out of them. Everything would come together. God, how I'd love to be given that chance.
First off, I LOVE the original Child's Play. I also love Child's Play 2 & Child's Play 3. I accept Bride of Chucky for what it is. I try & pretend like Seed of Chucky didn't happen. I rather enjoyed Curse of Chucky & I liked even more Cult of Chucky. I really didn't have a problem with the recent remake either. It's a joke compared to the original but overall it's not a bad film.
So what do I want to do here?
I want a sequel that concentrates on Andy Barclay & the feud between him & Chucky. Alex Vincent as an adult, & we dive into just how screwed up his life is on account of Chucky. If you've ever seen Darkness Falls I'm begging, borrowing & stealing heavily from the formula of that film. Have a lot of ideas for what I'd like to see here. I know I want a final confrontation between the two of them & I have this idea for what I feel is a perfect ending.
Not a fan of anything that has been done with the Hulk in recent years. Didn't care for the Eric Banna film. Didn't care for the Edward Norton film. Didn't care for him as Mark Ruffalo. It's nothing agains the actors. I love all of them. Great actors. Really it isn't anything against the writing either. It's simply that I selfishly have who & what the Hulk is in my mind. That's the Hulk I want to see. I want Dr. David Banner in the spirit of Bill Bixby. I don't want computer animation or CGI. Not interested. I want a huge muscular bodybuilder painted green.
The Incredible Hulk television series is one of my favorite of all time. It'll always bug me that the show didn't have a more definitive ending. It needed one. There needed to be closure for David. Closure for Jack McGee. A resolution that we never received.
That's what I'd do here. I hate that both Bill Bixby & Jack Colvin are no longer with us. I do hate that they'd have to be replaced but I'd like to do this film anyway in their honor.
It's not that I didn't like PET SEMATARY (1989) or PET SEMATARY (2019) but I do feel that I could have done better with both. Too much is omitted in the first film & way too many liberties were taken with the second. First off, I'd keep the death with Gage. The real horror of this film is in regret & mourning. The true terror is within. I've given this a lot of thought & I even have some problems with the book that I would tackle. Have a pretty clear vision of where I would want to go with this.
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I think they did what they could have with the film back when it was made. Yet, I think it could be redone to be a better film today. I'd want the focus to be on the dog & to tell at least a portion of the story from his perspective. Cujo wasn't a bad dog. He wasn't a mean dog. He wasn't an evil dog. He was a good, loving dog that turned the way he did because of the neglect of his owners. I don't feel the film got that across as well as it could have. I think there's a way to where instead of a mean monster, Cujo could come across as a tragedy. Almost an anti-villain in a way. I'm not saying it'd be easy, but I do think it'd be possible. I don't want people leaving the theatre suddenly terrified of Saint Bernards. I want people leaving the theatre suddenly critical of neglectful & abusive pet owners.
Yes, I'm a Stephen King fan. Can you tell? I want to redo this film for two reasons. First & foremost because I think with today's technology it could turn out really good. Secondly because you know what I love dogs, but I love cats too!! There are so many films about hero dogs. We need one about a hero cat! This could be our chance!
That Was Then This is Now is my all time favorite novel. When I read it in ninth grade, that's when I knew what I wanted to do with my life. That I wanted to be a writer. I was not happy with how the film turned out & I do not blame that on Emillio Estevez. He wanted to take the film in the direction that I would take it, but the executives wouldn't let him. This could be a great film & I've love to see it. Of course, I'd love to write it.
Greetings Stephen - Thank you for the work on your blog about college wrestling. I was part of two programs that were eliminated: Cypress College and Portland State.
ReplyDeleteI'm fearful that with the money that might be lost from football revenue due to the pandemic, that other programs could be in danger. I recently saw where Stanford lost their team.
I do a Cypress Wrestling newsletter for the old timers. Feel free to send any Charger news my way. If you're interested in receiving it, just drop me an email address.
Thanks again and keep up the good work - Mike Henry
DeleteIt's strange that your comment showed up on this particular blog that is not on my wrestling page.
Here is Cypress
And here is Portland State