With that said, mistakes were made. The faction lasted too long & got too powerful. There were members that never should have joined. I truly believe that in terms of WCW vs WWE in the rankings war, that WCW need to defeat the NWO in an ultimate showdown. I think that needed to happen & it never did.
For one I never in a million years would have had Randy Savage join the NWO. It was he who Hogan leg dropped to officially spark the start of the NWO on July 7th, 1996 at the Bash at the Beach in Daytona, Florida. Savage joining to me was a representation of giving up. The white flag blowing hard in the wind. No more fight, but a surrender. I also think it was a mistake to have Bret Hart join. When brought in, he should have been used as the heavy artillery to help combat the NWO. The ally, the savior if you will that joins WCW in an effort to defeat the NWO. For the record I never would have had Stevie Ray join either.
Here's how I would have booked things.....
I'd have had NWO get the best of WCW wrestlers throughout the rest of 1996. As NWO remains a strong unit, there is still dissension within WCW. The Four Horsemen while fighting the NWO is still fighting others in WCW. As suggestions are made for the Four Horsemen to join up in an effort against the NWO, at first they outright refuse. Flair as their spokesman says that the Four Horsemen need each other & only each other. Yet as time goes on, as a consultant for the Horsemen it becomes subtly clear that Arn Anderson thinks Flair should consider WCW's offer.
On an episode of Nitro, the NWO gets the best of the Four Horsemen. Causing serious damage to Anderson & hospitalizing him. A week later Flair comes out with the rest of the Horsemen & cuts a promo saying "All right!! Enough!!!" If joining the rest of WCW in order to defeat the NWO is what it is going to take, then that's what he's going to do. He issues a challenge to NWO. At Starrcade 12-27-1998 he wants a series of nine matches. Whoever wins the most matches takes complete control. Meaning that the NWO gets to run the show if they win & the NWO has to disband & do as WCW tells them if they win.
NWO agrees to the terms.
Here's the card.
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Syxx Vs Dean Malenko |
I think this would be a great opener for the Pay Per View between two solid technicians with an assortment of fun aerial maneuvers. A straight forward match with no outside interference. Keep it a good 6-8 minutes with Syxx catching Malenko coming off the turnbuckle with a facebuster for the 1-2-3.
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Scott Steiner Vs Rick Steiner |
Billed & hyped up as a grudge match between two brothers based on ultimate betrayal. Scott not only turns on Rick as he did, but he consistently cost Rick matches. This will be the first time Rick has had an opportunity to seek vengeance. As a very competitive match nears its end, Scott pulls a dirty tactic such as a low blow or salt in the eyes. It looks hopeless for team WCW as Scott puts Rick in the Steiner-Recliner. Yet he cannot get Rick to submit as Rick slowly begins to inch his way out of the move. Finally he gets to his feet with Scott still on his back, he falls backwards pinning Scott's shoulders to the mat for the victory. 12-15 minutes ought to do it.
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Vicious & Delicious Vs Harlem Heat |
NWO of course has to resort to dirty, lowdown tactics throughout the night & I think it would be appropriate for a series of these to happen in this match. Wrestling wise it is clear that Harlem Heart is the better team but V&D pick up the W through cheating. I'm picturing a scenario of either Booker T or Stevie Ray being taken out, unable to get back in the ring before the end of a count-out. 10 minutes allotted for the match.
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The Great Muta Vs Bret Hart |
I can't see this match being anything other than a classic. Two of the greatest in ring talents of all time going head to head. I'd want to give this one twenty minutes in order to get the full story told to the best of its ability. I'd trust these guys to put on an 11/10 match. Hart goes over via submission with the Sharpshooter.
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Brian Adams Vs Ric Flair |
I never felt that Brian Adams had a large enough role in the NWO. Honestly I felt that was just sort of their. Sort of as filler. Not sure what to do with him, so let's just put him in the NWO. A big fan of Adams, I felt that they could have used him better. Here's what I would have done...
Adams is the one that puts Anderson out. Adams is the one that hospitalizes him which leads to Flair deciding to join up with team WCW in the war against NWO.
Give this match 10 minutes & it ends in a Double Disqualification, so no win for either team.
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The Giant Vs Randy Savage |
I'd give this one 12-15 minutes of the Giant having the upperhand due to his size & strength, but with small increments of Savage using his speed & agility for hope-spots. Ending here would be a removed turnbuckle pad, Giant goes to smash Savage's head into it, Savage blocks & rams his head into it instead. Savage climbs the ropes, hits the elbow & that's a victory for WCW.
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The Outsiders Vs Lex Luger & Sting |
Tornado style tag team match given about 15 minutes on the card. Two referees assigned to this match. At the end of the match, at the exact same time, Nash hits Luger with a jacknife powerbomb & Sting hits Hall with a Scorpion Death Drop. Both referees count to three in sync. As the one ref raises the hand of Nash, the other raises the hand of Sting. Confusion & controversy to the anger of both teams, the match is then officially declared a draw.
In seven matches, two of which ended indecisive, WCW leads 3 to 2 headed into match eight.
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Michael Wallstreet Vs Curt Hennig |
Headed into the match, team WCW is rallying up behind Hennig letting him know what is riding on the line. One more win for team WCW, this one is in the bag. He heads out to the ring to take on Michael Wallstreet. The two meet in the middle of the ring as Wallstreet grabs a microphone & begins to ridicule him & the WCW. Hennig snatches it out of his hand & begins to ridicule Wallstreet and the NWO. He says he is hear to win this match & it'll be the end of the NWO. The bell rings & Hennig falls immediately to his back without being touched by Wallstreet. Wallstreet covers him & secures the 1-2-3. Hennig then celebrates with Wallstreet as the NWO's newest member.
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Hulk Hogan Vs Roddy Piper |
Tied at 3 matches apiece this is where all the marbles are on the line. Winner takes all. Desperate for a victory, we see both NWO & WCW got to every level necessary to win this match. Towards the end, it looks like an NWO victory is inevitable. I want Piper so beat up, so beat down, that the idea of a team WCW victory seems impossible. When I say I want things to appear hopeless, I want them to appear hopeless.
Hogan stands a groggy Piper who can barely stand on his feet up & slaps him across the face. He then shouts, "Die WCW die!!" as he goes to slap Piper again. Piper ducks & with the last ounce of energy he has slaps a sleeper onto Hogan. Hogan tries to fight it but Piper holds on as he slowly puts Hogan to sleep. The ref raises his arm & lets it drop three times to what it is hopefully the roar of applause. Team WCW takes control & this is the official end of the NWO.
This is what I would have done because I believe WCW needed a clear & decisive victory over the NWO, that was a finalization of the end of the war. This is how I would have done it.
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