A lot of the discussion is centered around favorite performances of Candy . It made me think what are my favorite performances of his & why are they my favorite. I narrowed it down to my top eleven which was hard enough. Then trying to put those eleven in some sort of numerical order was even harder. What I do know is that in every performance Candy gave (at least all that I've seen) there was something genuine & sincere. Something raw & something honest. John had a thing called talent, but I think it was his authenticity that made him so special.
Keep in mind these are my favorite Candy performances. Your's maybe different or maybe your's maybe the same. Maybe you'd put them in a different order. Maybe you love them for the same reasons I do, or maybe you love them for completely different reasons than I do. Among our comparisons and our contrasts one variable always remains fixed. We loved John Candy & we all wish he was still with us.
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#11 - Freddie Bauer in SPLASH |
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"Well he kidnapped me, but I wanna tell you I had a great time on your rides. It's the most fantastic time I ever had in my life."
To see the best in people & to look into their true intentions is something that I believe a lot of Candy characters had in common.
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#9 - Harry Crumb in WHO'S HARRY CRUMB? |
#8 Irv Blitzer in COOL RUNNINGS |
I love the scene where Blitzer speaks with Derice & explains to him why he cheated. That he made his whole life winning & how having that attitude can make you overlook things in life that are more important. The best line in the entire film is, "Derice a gold medal is a wonderful thing, but if you're not enough without it, you'll never be enough with it." Irv Blitzer wanted his team to succeed. He wanted them to win, but he reminded them that who they are will always outshine what they are. Another trait I think all Candy characters had in common.
#7 Danny Muldoon in ONLY THE LONELY |
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#6 Gus Polinski - HOME ALONE |
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#4 - Jack Chester in SUMMER RENTAL |
#3 Chet Ripley in THE GREAT OUTDOORS |
I laugh so many times throughout this film that I burn about as many calories as I do when I'm jogging. The scene where Chet & Roman kill the bat. The scene where Roman drags Chet across the lake. "Roman you Bastard!!" "What's he saying?" "He's saying go faster!" It has me going as if its the first time I've ever seen it every time I watch it. Then of course the scene with the bear attack. I cry from laughing so hard every time I watch this movie. A scene others may not find funny that I do, is when he & Buck are out on the boat & Buck says to him, "You're not gonna kiss me in the boat are you?"
I've seen this film about 100 times in my life. I never get sick of it.
Candy spent so much time making us laugh that I think sometimes we could forget just how genuinely good of an actor he really was. Yes, he was second to no one when it came to making us smile, but he could make us feel too. The character of Del Griffith was lonely & sad. He longed for meaning and purpose. He yearned to belong, to know that he had worth. Because of Candy's outstanding performance, we felt those feelings right along with him. When he hurt, we hurt. What he felt, we felt.
The scene everyone remembers most is the "I like me" scene where he defends himself to Neal. It is a powerful scene that deserves all of the praise & recognition that it receives. Del Griffith is indeed "the real article" & "what you see is what you get" is indeed what we see & what we get. We love Griffith for it because despite his many flaws, what makes us admire & respect him so is his ability to own them.
For me the more powerful scene is where Candy is sitting out in the cold analyzing himself & coming to terms with the fact that his personality can be off putting.
"Well Marie, once again my dear, you where as right as rain. I am, with out a doubt, the biggest pain in the butt that ever came down the pike. I meet someone who's company I really enjoy, and what do I do? I go overboard. I smother the poor soul. I cause him more trouble than he has a right to. God, I got a big mouth. When am I ever gonna wake up? I wish you were here with me right now. But... I guess that's not gonna happen. Not now, anyway."
I love that monologue. I just adore it because I think we can all relate to it. We all have things about ourselves that we don't like & we wish were different. It takes a great deal of fortitude to be able to look at yourself in the mirror & admit that. Another admirable trait that Candy characters share.
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#1 - Buck Russell in UNCLE BUCK |
He lives in a dump, he drives a shit car, he wears outdated clothes & from a materialistic point of view he has little to nothing to offer. Yet we're able to look past all of that because the gold that he does possess is in his heart. He cares a great deal for his nieces & his nephew & that resonates throughout every scene in the entire film.
There are many scenes that I love. One of which is of course the showdown he has with Vice Principal Anita Hoargarth. While many remember the classic line of "Here's a quarter. Go downtown & have a rat gnaw that thing off your face" I think what he says right before that is the real kicker.
" I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don't want to know one who takes their student career seriously. I don't have a college degree. I don't even have a job. But I know a good kid when I see one. Because they're ALL good kids, until dried-out, brain-dead skags like you drag them down and convince them they're no good. You so much as scowl at my niece, or any other kid in this school, and I hear about it, and I'm coming looking for you!"
Again Candy's love & protection over children. He won't ever allow them to be in danger.
You know some of us believe in an afterlife. Some of us don't. I find myself uncomfortable in certainty & better suited for the realms of possibility. If there is an afterlife, I can see Candy or perhaps at least some of the characters he's played (if they too live life after they are gone) being their guardian and protector.
My very favorite scene in the whole film is when he finds Tia ( Jean Louisa Kelly) after Bug (Jay Underwood) has just dumped her because she refused to put out for him. He lets her know that he's not there to judge her or to make her feel bad, but just to be there for her because he loves her. Furthermore he knows that he has no place to judge her because he's made his own mistakes in life. That he's not looking for anything more that to have a relationship with her again. He doesn't tell her parents about all that's going on cause he knows he doesn't need to. He creates a bond with her. One that shows her, that despite his many flaws & the fact that her parents think he's a loser, he's one of the biggest champions of her life. That if anything does, means something.
I cry every time I watch the ending of UNCLE BUCK. When he waves goodbye to Tia and the screen freezes it's almost as if he's saying good-bye to all of us.
My goal since I was about twelve years old has always been to write films. If I could be anything in this life, it would be to be a screenplay writer. If in this life I ever do get my opportunity & life grants me my wish, I can only hope that as did John Hughes, I am fortunate enough to find my John Candy.
He's one of the all time best & one of my all time favorites. May generations long after I'm gone, continue to discover & love his work.