Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fantasy Tag Teams I Would Have Put Together

Wrestlers: Earthquake and Dino Bravo
Team Name: Jimmy's Boys

Not much imagination going into this one, I'm just simply taking two guys that already worked very well together in tag team situations such as the Survivor Series and making them an official tag team.  Earthquake and Dino got along in the ring and outside of the ring, which I think would have made great chemistry for a tag team.   With Jimmy Hart as their manager, they could have feuded with Demolition, the Hart Foundation and other WWE face teams.   I also think that there are a multitude of angles that could have came out of this tag team as well.  Many people are unaware, but right before Dino was murdered he was in the transition of a face turn.   Perhaps Earthquake could have turned on Dino, and they could have had a great feud. Maybe Dino and Earthquake could have turned face together and added Typhoon as a three man stable.   All sorts of ideas that may have or may not have worked.

Wrestlers: Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect
Team name: Impeccable

When Mr. Perfect became Ric Flair's executive consultant, I always thought that sooner or later the two would form a team and contend for the WWE tag team titles.   When Mr. Perfect finally came back to wrestling from his managing status, I was quite shocked when instead, he turned face and teamed with Randy Savage at the Survivor Series.   How I came up with the name impeccable, is hearing the word on television once and asking my teacher at school what the word meant.  She said that it meant to be without flaw.  Someone that did something perfectly.    I thought to myself, well you have Mr. Perfect and you have Ric Flair, two guys who consider themselves impeccable.  What better name?   Would the tag team have worked?   Maybe, for a short while.   Flair is a spotlight hog and I don't know if he would have wanted to have shared it with Mr. Perfect.   As shown during his Four Horsemen years, as long as he's the Quarterback, the lead singer, then he's alright but if his status isn't superior to the other members of the group then he isn't much interested.  As talented and charismatic as Mr. Perfect is, he'd have had to have worked his ass off in the ring and on the mic to have outdone him night after night.   If "Impeccable" would have came to fruition,  I simply think that they would have gotten together shortly after Flair's title loss to Bret Hart, determined that they were going to be the next WWE tag team champions,  and then lost the match to the champions or the top face team to determine #1 contender status.  Flair would have blamed Mr. Perfect for the loss, Pearl Harbored him and helped propel his face run as he himself walked out the door back to WCW.

Wrestlers: Rick Rude and Rick Martel
Team Name:  Quite Charming

Two guys with very similar gimmicks, who were two of the best built guys in the wrestling business as the time.  Matter of fact, when it comes to physiques I don't know if anyone can match up to the Ravishing one.   In life sometimes you beg, borrow and steal and how I came up for this idea was when Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff teamed together in WCW as "Pretty Wonderful."  I thought I was "pretty clever" myself when I came up with the idea of teaming two Rick's together, the way that WCW had teamed two Paul's together.   Would this tag team have worked?  I think as arrogant and cocky as the two were, that they could have drawn some serious heat.   I think the female fans would have loved them and the male fans would have hated them.   My biggest concern is that I don't know if Rude would have worked well in a tag team or not.  From what I hear of him, he was a great guy in many ways, but he was also very much a do things his way kind of guy.    Knowing that Martel was more of a go with the flow, as long as he gets paid kind of guy, it still may have worked.   It'd have been fun to see.
Wrestlers: Yokozuna and Ko Ko B Ware
Team Name: Yoko-Koko

Yeah, ok this is an absolutely ridiculous team name, but you have to remember I was 11 years old when I first came up with this concept.   As you'll read later in this blog, I had an idea for a feud between Marcus Bagwell and Owen Hart, where the two went through a series of tag team partners trying to out do the other as "the greatest tag team partner ever."    During the feud, Owen would fire both Yokozuna and Ko Ko B Ware.    After Owen and Bagwell decide that the best thing to do would be to join one another than feud one another, Ko Ko and Yoko would decide to extract revenge on Owen by teaming together to challenge "The Greatest Tag Team Ever."

Wrestlers: Owen Hart and Marcus Bagwell
Team name: The Greatest Tag Team of All Time

When I was little I had a ton of action figures and I used to run my own fantasy shows all the time.   One of the angles that I had was that Owen Hart with a series of different partners would feud against Marcus Bagwell with a series of different partners for the tag team championship.   Both Owen and Bagwell would feud with one another over which one of them was the greatest tag team partner of all time.  Owen and Brian Pillman would win the belts, and then be beaten by Bagwell and 2 Cold Scorpio.   Owen would fire Pillman as his partner, and then take Jeff Jarrett as his tag partner to win the belts back.  Bagwell would fire Scorpio as his partner and hire Scotty Riggs.    This process of hiring and firing partners to win the belts would go back and forth between the two until one night one comes to the other and says that he knows what the problem is.   They both are the greatest tag team of all time and if they put there heads together they'll be unbeatable. 


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