Well I made a list of my least favorite moments, I might as well make a list of my favorite moments as well. Ironically when I put this list together, it had the same turn out as my least favorite moments list did. I came up with six moments that really stick out in my mind as being my favorite and five of them were from WWE while only one of them was from WCW.
In chronological order my favorite moments in WWE/WCW
6. Mr. Perfect turns face |
For the most part I did what I was "supposed to do" as a fan. I booed the heels and I cheered the faces. However, there was one "bad guy" that I always cheered for and that was Mr. Perfect. Matter of fact, in WWE when I was a little kid, he was the only bad guy I cheered for. I just thought he was so cool, so when he actually turned face, I was ecstatic. What's really, really ironic about this, is around the same time one of the only faces that I booed and didn't like was Johnny B Badd in WCW. When Badd came to WWE and was known as Marc Mero, Mr. Perfect made a heel turn by turning on Badd. Even after his turn back to heel, I still though Mr. Perfect was awesome.
5. The Reconciliation of Bret and Owen Hart |
A lot of times in professional wrestling when an angle is attempted to come off with a great amount sincerity and realism, it comes off as very forced and unreal. However in this particular case it came off very real and very genuine. I just thought that the WWE handled this storyline exceptionally well and created great pathos in a connection with the audience watching it.
4. Owen Hart wins the Intercontinental Title
I have to conclude Owen Hart vs Rocky Maivia for the Intercontinental Title to be probably my third all time favorite match. I loved everything about this match, the build up to it, the actual match itself and the after match. What I loved about this match the most was how before the match, Bret told Owen that neither he or any one else from the Hart Foundation would interfere. He believed in Owen and wouldn't disrespect his ability by trying to help him win. He knew that he was good enough to win the title on his own and gave him a prep talk before he went into the match. During the match the Bulldog kept trying to go down to the the ring to help Owen out, but Bret wouldn't let him. Then in the end, Owen pinned Maivia and you could tell how genuinely happy Bret was for his brother. One of my favorite moments.
3. The Return of Marty Jannetty |
If it wasn't for the picture you'd probably be asking yourself, "Which one of the 10,000 returns are you talking about?" Well, I'm referring to the time when he came back not all to terribly long ago and reunited with Shawn Michaels as The Rockers. When the Rockers theme played and they came out of the curtain, it was almost as if it were the early 90's again and I was a little kid watching WWE. It's the only time in the 2000's were I can say I got truly pumped about something before it happened in WWE.
2. Sting gets revenge on the NWO
WCW did a phenomenal job with this angle. Everything about it was done extremely well. Excellent buildup, perfect timing, execution and payoff. WCW when I was real little, was mainly just something to watch it WWE wasn't on. It had some good matches and it was fun to see guys on TV that had left the WWE. It wasn't until the did this angle where Sting took on the NWO pretty much single-handily, that I become truly hooked on WCW. They built the NWO up to be too powerful to stop and I just absolutely loathed them and what they would do. When Sting first made the attack and nailed them all with the baseball bat, I stood up and shouted, "yeah, kick their asses!" and that was the first time I had gotten that excited watching anything WCW wise.
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1. Marty Jannetty wins the Intercontinental Title |
Well here you have my all time favorite match, Shawn Michaels Vs Marty Jannetty for the I.C. title when Jannetty wins it. Watch this match and then tell me if you don't agree that it deserve every bit of the 1993 PWI match of the year that it earned. I loved this match and loved the fact that Jannetty finally got some revenge on Shawn after being thrown through the glass window. Although the title reign didn't last long, and his only real defense was against Doink the Clown, it signified would could have been a great run for Jannetty. It's just a shame that he made some other choices during that time, the Charles Austin incident and a few other factors kept him from what could have been a very shining career. I'd like to have a time machine to see. I think he would have at least been an I.C. title holder again, and his feud with Shawn would have been even more epic than it already was.
(Now that you know my first and my third favorite match you maybe wondering what my second favorite match of all time is. In case you are it's Owen Hart vs British Bulldog in the finals of the European Title tournament)
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