Saturday, April 29, 2017

THAT'S who that was!?!?!! (Six Pro Wrestlers Who Did a Great Job of Disguising Who They Were)

The key to a successful existence as a professional wrestler is to find a gimmick/character that works for you, gets over with the fans and makes both you and the companies you work for a lot of money. For some workers in the profession, they are able to make a single gimmick work for a long period of time, or even their entire career. Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Roddy Piper, Randy Savage the names go on and on. Wrestlers who had few or even one gimmick that they were able to draw money pretty much from day one until they retired.

Others, like Ed Leslie for example had a variety of gimmicks. They'd try one thing for a while and then switch over to another. And most of the time you knew it was them. Sure, Leslie had Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, The Zodiac, The Booty Man, The Disciple, and a handful of others, but no matter what he did, you knew it was him. Kevin Nash was Oz, Vinnie Vegas and Diesel but it was always loud and clear that despite what name he went by, it was Kevin Nash in different clothes.

Yet every now and again a wrestler would change his gimmick so much that it wasn't obvious that it was him. It wasn't obvious who it was under the mask or behind the face paint. Wrestlers would lose weight, gain weight, lose muscle mass, gain muscle mass, grow or shave facial hair and you wouldn't know it was them.

During the long and illustrious life of professional wrestling only a few wrestlers have been able to pull this off. Let's have a look at who they were.

6. Al Snow was Avatar 
I'm not the only professional wrestling fan who was surprised to learn that the guy under the mask of Avatar was Al Snow. His mannerisms, the way he carried himself and his techniques in the ring were way different than how he performed as Al Snow. He did moves as Avatar that he never did as Al Snow or as Leif Cassidy. He walked differently and even hit the ropes differently. For years I thought that Avatar was either a Mexican or Japanese wrestler that tested the waters of the WWE for a while before going back to Mexico or Japan. I was quite shocked when I found out that it was Al Snow.

5. Justin Credible was Aldo Montoya 
I guess what threw me off about Justin Credible and Aldo Montoya being the same person was that the two characters were so much different from one another. Credible, closer to the real life P.J. Palaco, was a cocky, full of himself, arrogant, know it all. The type that the older more conservative generation would refer to as a punk or a degenerate. Whereas Montoya was a modest, do the right thing, humble and heroic figure. A shaved head and a leaner body also helped Palaco to shed the jobber gimmick of the man known as "The Portuguese Man of War" for the more suiting hardcore personality of Credible.

4. Doink was Big Josh 
There was no internet back in 1993. Wrestling fans couldn't go into the computer room and quickly look up who it was dressed up as an evil clown gracing the rings of the WWE. We could do nothing but look and speculate as to who it might be. For many fans, including myself, finding out that it was actually Matt Osborne who we had previously known as Maniac Matt Borne and Big Josh, was quite shocking. He had lost a lot of bulk and wasn't nearly as chiseled as he had been earlier in his career. The fact that he was able to fool so many people and pull off the character as well as he did was a true testimony to how great of a performer Borne was.

3. Earthquake later became Golga 
The former HWT wrestler at Louisiana State University, John Tenta had a successful stint in the WWE as the Canadian Earthquake from 1989 to 1993, helping to make the company a success both as a challenger to Hulk Hogan and as one half of the powerful tag team of The Natural Disasters along with partner Typhoon. After he left and came back in 1998, he was hoping to rekindle the Earthquake gimmick. Vince McMahon had another vision. To him Earthquake was yesterday and wouldn't work in the new Attitude Era of WWE. As a result, the now smaller Earthquake, who had lost a significant amount of weight was repackaged as the carefree, lovable and fun Golga. Although along with fellow teammates as a member of the Oddities, the gimmick was short lived, it did get over with the fans and Tenta did seem to enjoy himself. Few knew at the time that Golga was Earthquake under a mask and many were surprised to find out years later.

2. Dustin Rhodes and Goldust are the same person 
Now it's common knowledge. Everyone knows this. They didn't 22 years ago. As far as WCW went, in the early 90's I was a Natural Dustin Rhodes fan. I was very into his feud with Ravishing Rick Rude and upon his departure, often wondered what had happened to him. I figured at the time that he had either given up the professional wrestling business for a different life or he had gone to perform in Japan. When Goldust appeared on WWE television, it never occurred to me for a moment that it was Dustin Rhodes in gold face paint, a gold wig and a gold jumpsuit. When THE WRESTLER magazine did an article on how Goldust was actually Dustin Rhodes, I couldn't believe it. This androgynous, metro-sexual, creepy, perverted, over sensual and sexual character with the deep, slow soothing voice was the redneck, southern cowboy with the fast Texas twang from only a few years prior? It still impresses me to this day not only that Rhodes was able to pull off the Goldust gimmick but how incredibly impeccable he was at doing it.

1. Smash became The Repo Man 
Growing up I was a huge Demolition mark. Even when they turned evil, I was still into them. When Ax left and Crush permanently took his place the magic was gone, but I was still a fan. When the team broke up, I often wondered what became of them. Soon after Crush turned back up with the same name but a completely different character. Gone was the face paint and the Demolition getup and he was now in a bright Orange, Yellow and Purple singlet that resembled the popular soda of the same name. Little did I know, as I continued to wonder what happened to Smash, that this new Repo Man character was the same guy. He had lost weight, shaved his head and grown a goatee. While he did keep a few of the same mannerisms, he did a great job of disguising his voice to make him sound completely different than his Demolition character of Smash. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Sentence

Why did I do it? Why did I take the risk? I've served seven years of a ten year sentence. I only had three to go. Why did I try and escape? Everyone keeps asking the questions. I even keep asking the questions.

Maybe it's because I don't belong here. Maybe it's because I didn't do anything wrong. Maybe that's why. Maybe it's because I sat in a cell, doing hard time day in and day out for the past seven years, being punished for something I didn't even do. Maybe that's why I did it. Maybe that's why I took the risk.

You see, Leigh, he's the one that should be in here. He's the one that should be doing the shit jobs, eating the shit food, sleeping on the shit cot every night. You see Leigh's the one that done wrong. You see Leigh's the dealer, the racketeer, the criminal. Not sure if you see that or not. What you do see, is you see Leigh in his new Lamborghini, partying it up with the guys, a hot broad on each arm.

I did my best to block it all out of my head. Tell myself as unfair as it is, that I was doing the wrap for what he did, and that's just the way it is. I even convinced myself that it wasn't all that bad. At least they still let me have my books, my paper and my pen. They still let me lift weights every day too. Now I don't even get that.

That con Glen. That son of a bitch. He let me taste freedom. If only from his description, I couldn't help myself. He reminded me of what freedom was. What freedom looked like. I knew we could get caught. I knew that it could happen. Woody and Penny knew too. And how could we have been so stupid? We smelled Glen for the Rat he was from the beginning, but I suppose we all wanted freedom so bad that we ignored the 99% chance that he was going to screw us and latched on to the 1% that his plan might work.

We got out, just like he said we would. Then we took one car and he took another.

"Turn left at McGillis."

It was always the plan. Turn left at McGillis, follow the old stump road to the clearing and we'd head south on the river.

We turned left at McGillis all right. We turned left and Glen turned right. Right into freedom as the three of us met a brigade of  cops.

Now I sit in pitch dark, solitary confinement. No books, no paper, no pen. Joey, the guard says that it'll be at least another three months before I'm allowed back into the yard to lift weights.

I had three years left. Three years. Now, I don't know much longer.

Reid lets us all know as often as he can, that there is a way out. All we gotta do is be a part of one of his experiments for one year and then we're free. Not only are we free, but we get outta here with a lump of dough and if we want job placement.  Sounds good don't it? Like you ain't got nothing to lose?

Yeah, Reid will say that. He'll talk all about the two guys who went through the experiment, came out and are now doing great.

"Erased two years off his sentence!" He'll brag. "The other four!"

Yeah, Reid likes to mention those two. It's the other eight out of ten this past year that he doesn't say much about. The four who died in his experiment. The two who got of out of the pen and are now living the rest of their lives in the loony bin up in Valley Pleasant. The one who's now free, as much as a paraplegic can be free. The one, well no one knows what happened to him.

If I knew that Reid's experiment would kill me, I'd go ahead and do it. I don't fear death. Death is no enemy of mine. Yet to know that life might get worse than this? No, I didn't do nothing for it to be as bad as it is. I don't deserve this. I sure as Hell ain't gonna except worse.

"It's your own damn fault you're still here." Reid can keep on preaching. "You'd be out in a year, if you'd only have the courage to endure one of my experiments."

Leigh's living the high life. Glen's on the run. The list of people who want to kill him is long, but not as long as the list of people who'd rather see him alive and to suffer. That piece of shit isn't good enough for death. He doesn't deserve that peace.

But I do. At this point all I want back is my books, my paper and my pen. To be allowed in the yard to lift weights again. I want more. I deserve better. Maybe I'm not owed a damn thing, but if that is the case, I wasn't owed the shitty hand I was dealt. I did nothing to deserve to be here.  Yet here I sit, in solitary confinement. Pitch dark blackness, I don't know anymore if you are my enemy or my friend.

Light, I've been asking for you to shine upon me for so long and yet you refuse. Not sure if I want you anymore or not. I plead, I pray, I beg....and yet things only get darker.

I'm going to sleep now. I'm sure I'll wake. Not sure I'll want to but I know I will wake. Not sure life if I want you to end or if what I really want you to finally do is begin. I doubt you'll do either. I won't die nor will I escape.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Spring and Summer Workout Plan


Bench Press - 4 Sets (12-10-8-6)
Inclined Bench Press - 4 sets (12-10-8-6)
Declined Bench Press - 4 sets (12-10-8-6)
Chest Press - 4 sets (12-10-8-6)
Cable Flys - 4 Sets (12-10-8-6)

1 hour walk while reading.

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night

Barbell Curls - 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)
Decline Sit-ups (Till Failure x 4)
Olympic Preacher Curls (15-12-10-8)
Rope Resistance Crunches (Till Failure x 4)
Cable Curls (15-12-10-8)
Wheel Extensions (Till Failure x 4)

1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night

WEDNESDAY - Full Cardio Day
20 minute jog on treadmill
20 minute on Elliptical machine
20 Minute on Exercise bike
30 Minute walk while reading

1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night

Gorilla Press -  4 Sets (12-10-8-6)
French Press - 4 Sets (12-10-8-6)
Skull Crushers - 4 Sets (12-10-8-6)
Overhead Triceps Cable Extensions (12-10-8-6)
Machine Gorilla Press - 4 Sets (12-10-8-6)

1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night

Upright Rows - 4 sets (15-12-10-8)
Lat Pulls - 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)
The "things" - 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)
Lat Rows - 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)

1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night 

                              WEEK TWO

Dumbbell Press - 4 sets (15-12-10-8)
Dumbbell Incline Press - 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)
Dumbbell Flys - 4 sets (15-12-10-8)
Machine Press - 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)
Machine Flys - 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)

1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night 

Twist Curls - 4 Sets (20-15-12-10)
Decline Situps - 4 Sets till Failure
Preacher Curls - 4 Sets (20-15-12-10)
Rope Resistant Crunches - 4 Sets till Failure
Hammer Curls - 4 Sets (20-15-12-10)
Leg Lifts - 4 Sets till Failure

1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night

WEDNESDAY - Full Cardio Day
20 Minute Jog on Treadmill
20 Minute on Elliptical machine
20 Minute on Exercise Bike
30 Minute Walk on Treadmill while reading
Run or Walk the Dog @ Night

Military Press 4 sets (12-10-8-6)
Skull Crushers 4 sets (12-10-8-6)
Triceps Machine Pushouts  4 Sets (12-10-8-6)
Triceps Extensions 4 sets  (12-10-8-6)
Dips 4 sets till failure
1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night
Lateral Raises 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)
Rocky's 4 Sets (15-12-10-8)
Bent Rows 4 sets (15-12-10-8)
Headstand Pushups 4 sets till Failure
Reverse Situps 4 sets till Failure
1 hour walk while reading

Run or Walk the Dog @ Night 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Sigourney Savages 2001-2004

Call it curiosity or call it boredom, I don't know.  A guy on one of the amateur wrestling facebook pages I follow was bragging about how great his school was at sports during his time in high school. It made me wonder how good Sigourney was over all in sports during my time in high school.

You'd think I'd already know, but I was very much in my own world back in those days. (Not that anything has changed.) Football was God at my school so I do remember we were always good at that, and I remember that the girl's softball team was pretty good too. Sigourney at that time was definitely NOT a basketball school. You'd think I'd remember how we did as a wrestling team, but other than senior year, I don't know!

So I grabbed a yearbook.  Here is Sigourney Sports my Freshman through Senior year.

Baseball = 4-11 record

Softball = 21-7 record Conference and District Champions. Sub-state Qualifier.

Football = 9-3 record. State Semi-Finals.

Volleyball = No information

Cross Country = No information

Girls Basketball = 8-13 record

Boy's Basketball = 2-18 record

Wrestling = Two State Qualifiers Adam Graham @ 125 lbs and Dan Hammes @ 152 lbs. Both went 1-2 at State.

Boy's Track = Lucas Meier was a District Champion and State Qualifier in the 1 mile run. Dan Hammes, Wil Hanchet, Pat Flynn and Nick Baker Qualified for and competed in the Drake Relays.

Girl's Track = No information

Boys and Girls Golf = No information

Baseball = 13-6 record  Nick Baker and Ryne Christner named to All Conference.  Lucas Meier named to All District.

Softball = 34-5 Record. Conference and District Champions. 4th Place State finish.

Cross Country = No information

Football = 13-0 Record. State Champions.

Volleyball = 3-8 record

Girl's Basketball = 6-15 record

Boy's Basketball = 1-17 record

Wrestling = Six District Qualifiers Steve Seeley @ 112 lbs, Jarrod Thompson @ 119 lbs, Adam Graham @ 125 lbs, Tyler Rash @ 140 lbs, Dan Hammes @ 152 lbs, and Darren Miller @ 160 lbs. Graham, Hammes and Miller all qualified for State with Graham finishing one match shy of placing and Hammes and Miller both finishing in 6th.

Girl's Track = No information

Boy's Track = The 4X4 team of Nick Baker, Wil Hanchet, Dan Hammes and Keith McLaughlin qualified for both the Drake Relays and the State tournament.

Boys and Girl's Golf = No information

Football = 8-2 record

Volleyball = 5-8 record

Boy's Basketball = 8-12 record

Girl's Basketball = 0-20 record

Wrestling = Four District Qualifiers Steve Seeley @ 119 lbs, Dan Hammes @ 160 lbs, Darren Miller @ 189 lbs, Jeremy Webb @ 215 lbs.  Hammes and Miller qualified for State with Hammes finishing in 4th place and Miller in 8th.

Boy's Track = No information

Girl's Track = No information

Boy's and Girl's Golf = No information

Baseball = 12-7 record.  Nick Baker and Ryne Christner named to All Conference.

Softball = No information

Football = 8-3 record

Volleyball = 8-5 record

Boy's Basketball = 8-14 record

Girl's Basketball = No information

Wrestling = 18-4 dual meet record. Two district Qualifiers Jon McLaughlin @ 215 lbs and Jeremy Webb @ HWT. Both qualified for State.  Had 5 wrestlers finish third at sectionals, one match shy of qualifying for districts.

Boy's Track = No information

Girl's Track = Amy Dobbins was a District champion and State Qualifier in some event. Not sure what.  Year book doesn't say, but I swear Kristine Ballensky did something of significance too. Conference champion or something.

Softball = No information

Baseball = 13-11 record

Boy's and Girl's Golf = No information

So make of it what you will. I'd say overall Sigourney's sports during that time were football and softball. That's where we had the most success. Wrestling and baseball were solid, and competitive in the conference. Track, both boys and girls had some highlights.