If I Were the Devil
If I were the Prince of Darkness I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness.
This is a bit hard to read, as it is clearly metaphorical. Not exactly sure what Harvey means by "darkness" and the word in context is particularly subjective. Based on the rest of the message, I can only speculate that he is referring to the animosity, hostility and turmoil between peoples.
I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
The thing that really fascinates me about this particular piece is that it doesn't seem to be biased, and seems to take shots around the whole board. Again, Harvey is rather subtle in areas, so it is hard to determine what exactly he is referring to here. If I had to wager, I'd guess that he was referring to greed, particularly corporate greed and the monopolization that has taken place in our capitalistic society.
So I should set about however necessary, to take over the United States.
I'm rather fascinated and a bit appalled by such a statement. As a possiblist I entertain the idea of the devil, but I have trouble seeing why he would be any more fascinated with the United States, and its in occupants than he would anywhere else. Although that statement may not be, it feels narcissistic to me. It spews the American arrogance that other countries have often pointed to in observation.
I would begin with a campaign of whispers.
Sounds like a politician to me!
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whispers to you as I whispered to Eve, "Do as you please."
I don't think Harvey wanted anyone to know exactly what he was referring to. I think he wanted it t be mystic, mysterious and confusing (at least in parts). Again, such a statement can be taken in a variety of ways and applied to a variety of different thoughts and opinions. The Bible, is a tool. A tool that can be used for good and a tool that can be used for evil. Atheist can argue till the cows come home that it has only been used for evil and Christians can argue till the cows come home that it has only been used for good. History takes the subjectivity out of the argument and proves, indisputably that it has been used for both good and evil. Marilyn Mason once said something on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher something to the effect of religion, being a means of controlling people. How do you get people to do or not do what you want them to do or not do? Hope and fear. The perennial question is asked. What happens do us when we die? Ideas aside, regardless of how arrogantly certain, we do not know for sure. Hope comes in the form or, "if you do what I want you to do and don't do what I don't want you to do you go to Heaven." Fear comes in the form of, "Don't do what I want you to do and do what I won't want you to do, you go to Hell."
The whole message becomes convoluted and gray when you study it further and find examples to illustrate its effectiveness. Truly what is good? What is evil? I use the words, but what meaning do they have other than that which we apply to them? Some say that the Bible is the key to understanding the definitions of the words and their meaning. In some ways, this has shown to be inherently good. In other ways, it has shown to be detrimental and even harmful. When people are concerned that a rapist may "Do as he pleases" the cause for alarm is certainly there. When people are concerned that two consensual adults who both happen to be of the same sex may "Do as they please" it is nothing more than a ploy for people to control others based on their own merits, while deceptively hiding behind scripture.
I find it humorous the way some treat these topics as if they're simple and easy to decipher, when people have been debating them far before any of us were ever born and they'll be debating them long after all of us are gone.
Seeing that the Devil is nearly always depicted as pure evil, by nearly all Christian groups and even by non Christians, I will use that understanding in understanding the language that Harvey is using. "Do as You please" I am personally going to apply to universal acts that nearly all of us agree upon (regardless of our religious background) as being evil. Murder, rape, extortion, ect. Yet, even then it gets more complicated when you take into account that the Bible in areas, condones and even supports murder and rape.
I'm not real sure. Maybe I'll come back to this one. For right now, moving on to the next line.
To the young I would whisper "The Bible is a myth." I would convince them that "man created God," instead of the other way around. I would confide that "what is bad is good and what is good is square."
Personally I see the harm in both ways. Am I a friend or an enemy to your cause? Harvey obviously has a problem with our youth being told that the Bible is a myth. I wonder if on the same hand he has a problem with our youth being told that the Bible is an absolute truth that must not be questioned or even examined for meaning. My journey in life has lead me to realize that most people either dismiss the Bible as complete fabrication or they treat the Bible as literal truth, with no discrepancies or inaccuracies. Occasionally you'll find one who treats it metaphorically or allegorically. Some who will even divide it up between literal, allegorical and metaphorical.
If I had it my way, the Bible and all other religious text would be presented to those unfamiliar with an open approach that encouraged one to make up their own mind. If after examination and study one concludes that it is real, and that they should follow it as truth, I support that. If after examination and study one concludes that it is nothing more than a book of fiction, then I support that. The mandatory indoctrination that is used by atheist to demand that one must look at it as a book of fiction or by Christians that one must look at it as a book of absolute truth is what I do not tolerate. As a possiblist who entertains both possibilities, I am supportive of the Christian and the atheist who came to their beliefs based on their own merits. I am a firm believer (pardon the pun) that ones religious identity should be personal and based of their own choices. I am often misunderstood, misquoted and my feelings misconstrued on that subject.
The second half of his statement goes back to what I was saying in the statement before. What is good? What is bad? The terms are so subjective. I have no more to say about it other than what I stated before at the moment.
In the ears of the young married I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be "extreme" in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct.
It gets deeper. Life is a balance. A balance of work and of play. I think sometimes think that others want to convince us that we need to work all the time and never play. It dumbfounds me how they are able to convince others that this is how life ought to be. How they are able to brainwash people into thinking that they're lazy or incompetent or even "evil" if they don't buy into this mindset. Perhaps I over-analyze and think too much about it, but I would like to understand it.
I found myself playing around with the idea that maybe it had something to do with the belief in Heaven. That maybe the reason people settled for unsatisfying, unhappy, boring, mundane and even hard, difficult, miserable lives here on Earth is because they are so confident that a rewarding Heaven awaits them after death.
Work in and of itself is not debasing. Work can be very rewarding and fulfilling, depending on the work, of course. I think some would look at this statement and use it as a form of motivation for doing meaningful work. Others will look at it and use it as a guilt trip to persuade others to do work that is meaningless to the worker, but beneficial to the employer.
The more thought I put into Harvey's speech, the more I realize that it is a manipulator's best friend. Simply give the subtle words the meaning you want them to have and suddenly you have a great tool for your agenda.
Religion, patriotism and moral conduct, I would wager, were placed together for the same reason. Although they are most certainly not, they are often treated as mutually inclusive. As if there is a direct connotation between moral conduct, religion and patriotism. I'm not religious. I have a good moral conduct. As good as nearly anyone's. My patriotism is only second to those who have served or will serve in our armed forces and even that can be in certain circumstances further discussed. I am living, breathing proof. I think therefore I am evidence.
I fail to see, without further explanation why being "extreme" would be a good thing. If anything it is the extremist who have caused a lot of turmoil, confusion, hurt and loss in this country. Extremist who have killed, Extremist who have vandalized and destroyed. If you look at the extremist in politics, both from the Republican and Democratic side, you'll notice they are the ones that usually ruin life or have plans to ruin life for Americans in general or a group of particular Americans.
And the old I would teach to pray — to say after me — "Our father which are in Washington."
Thus far I've found this statement to be the most interesting. The easiest to depict anyway. I remember people being political back in the day, not not to the extent that they are now. Obviously social media has contributed heavily to Americans involvement in politics. What doesn't add up to me, is how so many people can have opinions about issues and politicians, yet so few people vote. Perhaps it is a pessimistic attitude that everyone sucks, no one is worth a shit, and bitching will ensue regardless of who is running our country.
What I do notice though is that people pick a political party to affiliate with and they eat, shit, sleep, breath and bleed that party through and through. I identify as a political centrist, but most admit that most issues, I side left. However, there have been a handful of times throughout the past years, when I see the liberals do something that is completely asinine and I am left scratching my head wondering, "How in the Hell can you support this!?!?" when my liberal friends back the action/statement.
As for my Republican friends, I'll just say that it is even worse. To a Republican, conservatism is God and liberalism is the Devil. Politicians are well aware of this and often use this information to manipulate, brainwash and control.
Then I'd get organized.
Who wouldn't?
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull, uninteresting.
I'd say that this applies to journalist much more than it does authors. Nothing seems to shock us anymore and from my observations I would say that is do to overexposure. Newspapers, television and internet combined we have a variety of resources to obtain information. Filters no longer exist. What happens is directly put in front of us. Watch a few nuclear bombs go off and suddenly the firecracker doesn't even draw your attention anymore.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies, and vice-versa.
He says vice versa here, which is confusing me. I can make sense out of threatening TV with dirtier movies, but I'm not sure what he means by threatening dirtier movies with TV. I'll have to think some more on this one, or perhaps have you (as in my reader) come up with a conclusion that makes sense to me.
I'd infiltrate unions and urge more loafing, less work. Idle hands usually work for me.
He's being redundant here and repeating what he said earlier. Once again, my response is the same.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could, I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction, I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
Now this is poetic. A statement that illustrates knowledge and the beauty of language to illustrate that knowledge. Everyone has their vice. Some illegal drugs. The distinguished alcohol and the poor, let legally responsible with prescription drugs. We are one doped up society, with the drunks pointing fingers at the high, feeling sophisticated and just, for no other reason than antiquated laws which they confuse for morals.
If I were the Devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions; let those run wild.
I find this to be the most challenging of his statements thus far. Refine in definition means to improve something by taking something away such as an impurity. Not sure how that is a bad thing without further explanation. As for the whole disciplining emotions, not sure what he means exactly by that either.
I'd designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts and I'd get preachers to say, "She's right."
And maybe she is. Our society has allowed Christians, right or wrong, to stand before us and not have to face ridicule or even slight question for years. Our society has demonized non-Christians, particularly the atheist as being wrong, whether they've been wrong or right. Would I vote for a Christian? Yes, I have and I will again. Would I trust a Christian? Would I call a Christian my friend? Yes, I have. I do. I will continue to. Because I know, that people are individuals and I must treat them as individuals. I think atheist have a better understanding of this than Christians do. That maybe be because of being largely outnumbered and having to, but they still do.
I cringe every time I hear someone say that they couldn't vote for someone unless they were a Christian. I shake my head and a piece of my heart breaks every time I hear someone say that they could never trust or be friends with someone unless that person believed in God. It bothers me for two reasons. A, because I know the type of person I am. I know the type of people my other non-Christian friends are. We're good people and we shouldn't have to be subjected to such negative treatment. B, because manipulators, liars and swindlers will use this information to their advantage. They have propositions of power and money to gain through corruption, and they'll easily do so by simply saying, "I am a Christian" along the way.
With flattery and promises of power I would get the courts to vote against God and in favor of pornography.
Harvey most certainly had an agenda when he was using his speech. I used to really like Harvey, but after listening to this speech and then further examining it, I don't think I like him anymore. He's clearly one of those people who had his own personal ideas and beliefs and he perverted the image of God to make his point. He used the idea of the Devil to drive it home even further. Reminds me a lot of James Dobson. Another nutbag who used religion to try and make his point. He tried to solely blame pornography for the rapes and murders of Ted Bundy. Rather than looking at real issues and real causes, he scapegoats. Not sure what Harvey is scapegoating here.
Thus I would evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, then from the Houses of Congress.
Good, that is how it should be. The Courthouse, the school house and the house of congress are all institutions that reflect the interest all Americans. In order for them to be just and provide liberty and justice for all, God or better put the indoctrination of ideas and beliefs biased in favor towards Christians and against non-Christians must be absent. If present, that is a direct violation of the constitution and a direct threat to liberty and to justice for all Americans.
Then in his own churches I'd substitute psychology for religion and deify science.
This isn't happening in the churches. And it isn't happening outside of the churches because of threats or a lack of options. Christianity has the same opportunity as does anything else. It is an option put forth, for one to choose if they decide to. It is not the fault of atheism, agnosticism, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other belief, if someone chooses something other than Christianity. It's not the fault of Christianity, if someone chooses Christianity over another belief.
This statement is solely based on inaccuracies. I have no respect for the ones who want to spread Christianity by eliminating all other options or by trying convince that other options do not exist by trying to shadow them away. For those who want to spread Christianity by facing the challenge of other options head on, by trying to sell Christianity as the best of the options, I have all the respect in the world.
If people are choosing science over Christianity and what the Bible says, it isn't the Devil at work. It isn't even the fault of science. It is the fault of Christianity and for those selling Christianity for not doing a better job of selling their product.
Atari's failure was not the fault of Nintendo. The answer wasn't to go out and destroy all of the Nintendos or to try and convince people that Nintendo didn't exist and that Atari was the only option they had. The answer was to make people want to choose Atari over Nintendo. Hopefully by using honesty and not lying.
If people are choosing other options, then that is on the burden of those trying to sell Christianity. The cowards way is to try and destroy the other options or pretend like they don't exist. The admirable thing to do is to sell your product better and have people pick Christianity over the other options. You'll win some. You'll lose some. The reasons as to why are endless.
If I were Satan I'd make the symbol of Easter an egg
Ooh, attacking the Easter Bunny now. Harvey not only pulled off the gloves, he bloodied his knuckles.
And the symbol of Christmas a bottle.
Is he referring to people drinking on Christmas? The Christmas styled coca-cola Christmas bottles? I honestly have no idea what to make of this statement.
If I were the Devil I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. Then my police state would force everybody back to work.
Ooh, Republicans gotta love this one. Goes back to what I said earlier about moderation. He really wants to drive this point home. Third time he's said it. My response is the same.
Then I would separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines and objectors in slave-labor camps.
But to his credit, as I also said before Harvey took shots both ways. Democrats would love this one.
If I were Satan I'd just keep doing what I'm doing and the whole world go to hell as sure as the Devil.
And here is where it all comes together. I've seen it so many times before and I'll see it so many times again. What you do in order to get people to comply, worship, agree and support your ideas is to convince them that by doing other wise would be to defy god. (It is amazing to me how similarly spelled the words defy and deify are, considering they have polar opposite meanings.) You gain power and economic status by consistently manipulating and brainwashing people into thinking that who you are and what you are doing is representative of God and what God wants. It's how people like Ben Carson are able to get so many people to side with them and buy into their bullshit. I don't know whether to be angry or sad that so many people are so easily fooled the lies of manipulation.
Harvey proves how powerful manipulation can be and how easily people can be controlled. Makes me feel sorry for Christians like Wade Watts, George Pell, Gene Robinson and other who actually use Christianity to spread peace, love, compassion and understanding.
It seems to me that those who use Christianity as a means of spreading negativity, intolerance, and other forms of hatred have more success than those who use it as a means of spreading positive ideas, tolerance and other forms of love.
Seems more listen to statements like, "hate gays!" Than they do statements of, "Spread peace."
Why is that?
Harvey? Harvey?.......Harvey?
Monday, November 30, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Horror Films That Actually Scared Me.
What's universal is that we all have something that scares us. Everyone has something that frightens them. That is what we all have in common. Where we contrast is what that specific something is that scares us. Put me within a few feet of a snake, I'd be liable to die of cardiac arrest. Someone else might pick the snake up, the same way I would a puppy or a kitten. That same person might turn white as a ghost and be frozen in fear near a rat, while I would simply avoid it if it were a sewer rat or pick it up and kiss it on the head if it were a pet rat.
Analyzing what scares us and why it scares us is a fascinating study. I often criticize horror films for being startling rather than scary. I hate it when people think that I'm scared because I jump during a part in a film. I'm not scared. I'm startled. I have an automatic response to react anytime something sudden and unexpected happens. I think as a result some people think that I'm trying to play off as one of these tough guys that cannot be scared by films. That there isn't anything out there that can scare me or truly frighten me. I am not one of those types of people. I am the first to admit that there are films that do truly frighten me. There are some films that downright terrify me.
I have rules for whether a movie actually scares me or not. Rule number one, is that the film has to scare me upon a second viewing. I do not and I will not determine whether a film scared me upon the first viewing. I have to know what is about to unfold on the screen, and still have a sense of urgency. If I fear what I already know is going to happen, then I can say that a film scares me. Secondly, as I mentioned earlier, I'm extremely critical of jump scares. Unless they are well done and well timed, I will usually shoot them down.
There are four films that honestly frighten me. It's fun to discuss these films with others and hear from my friends that they don't find these films scary at all. Then to have them list off films that they do find scary, that I think aren't even remotely scary.
For example, my friend Nicole found "The Conjuring" to be terrifying. I thought it was an okay movie, but it didn't scare me. I have other friends who find, "28 Days Later" to be quite frightening. The only thing that scared me about that film when I paused it for a second and saw that there was still an hour left of it.
The anticipation has hopefully built up enough by now, to where you're thinking, "List the damn movies that scare you already!!!" It's only fair that I quit stalling and finally list them.
Here you go...
It is often said that people fear what they don't know or what they don't understand. I've noticed about myself, that I often search for an explanation. Once I realize why something is does or why someone behaves the way that they do, I begin to formulate ideas for solutions. When no explanation is given, I am unable to do that. Michael Myers is a character that truly frightens me for a multitude of reasons. He's unstoppable. He's unpredictable. Although it has been speculated, nothing other than guesses have ever been given as to why he does what he does. The way he walks. The music that accompanies him. I actually find him the most frightening when he's off in the distance starring. The scenes that still send a chill down my spine are the ones where he is watching Laurie as she sits in class from across the street by his car. The scene where he stares at her from the clothesline and the scene where he is watching her on the sidewalk and then hides behind a bush. It is important to remember that before the sequels came out, we had no understanding of why he was after Laurie. He was simply an escaped mental patient who set out to kill her. I guess the idea of someone that I don't know, who cannot be stopped and who cannot be reasoned with trying to kill me without reason scares me.
I don't care how many times I see this film. I can watch it 10 times in a row and it disturbs the shit out of me every time. Even though I own the film, I rarely watch it. Every time I view it, it stays with me for days. The first time I saw it was back in 2002. My nephew Garrett was two years old at the time. After watching "Pet Semetary" being around him was sort of freaky. I don't know why, but the idea of evil little children, especially children that young doesn't set well with me. I realize that in the story it is not really Gage Creed, and it's a windego demon possessing his body but it is still a killer two year old. My roommate Joel decided to pull this off the shelf the other day and watch it. I watched it with him and it still had the same effect on me. Later on that night, I woke up in the middle of the night. My cat, Peanut was walking into the room at the exact moment. Her eyes glowed like Church's do in the movie. I screamed and quickly turned on the light beside me. I don't know who was more frightened, me or Peanut.
Analyzing what scares us and why it scares us is a fascinating study. I often criticize horror films for being startling rather than scary. I hate it when people think that I'm scared because I jump during a part in a film. I'm not scared. I'm startled. I have an automatic response to react anytime something sudden and unexpected happens. I think as a result some people think that I'm trying to play off as one of these tough guys that cannot be scared by films. That there isn't anything out there that can scare me or truly frighten me. I am not one of those types of people. I am the first to admit that there are films that do truly frighten me. There are some films that downright terrify me.
I have rules for whether a movie actually scares me or not. Rule number one, is that the film has to scare me upon a second viewing. I do not and I will not determine whether a film scared me upon the first viewing. I have to know what is about to unfold on the screen, and still have a sense of urgency. If I fear what I already know is going to happen, then I can say that a film scares me. Secondly, as I mentioned earlier, I'm extremely critical of jump scares. Unless they are well done and well timed, I will usually shoot them down.
There are four films that honestly frighten me. It's fun to discuss these films with others and hear from my friends that they don't find these films scary at all. Then to have them list off films that they do find scary, that I think aren't even remotely scary.
For example, my friend Nicole found "The Conjuring" to be terrifying. I thought it was an okay movie, but it didn't scare me. I have other friends who find, "28 Days Later" to be quite frightening. The only thing that scared me about that film when I paused it for a second and saw that there was still an hour left of it.
The anticipation has hopefully built up enough by now, to where you're thinking, "List the damn movies that scare you already!!!" It's only fair that I quit stalling and finally list them.
Here you go...
Halloween |
It is often said that people fear what they don't know or what they don't understand. I've noticed about myself, that I often search for an explanation. Once I realize why something is does or why someone behaves the way that they do, I begin to formulate ideas for solutions. When no explanation is given, I am unable to do that. Michael Myers is a character that truly frightens me for a multitude of reasons. He's unstoppable. He's unpredictable. Although it has been speculated, nothing other than guesses have ever been given as to why he does what he does. The way he walks. The music that accompanies him. I actually find him the most frightening when he's off in the distance starring. The scenes that still send a chill down my spine are the ones where he is watching Laurie as she sits in class from across the street by his car. The scene where he stares at her from the clothesline and the scene where he is watching her on the sidewalk and then hides behind a bush. It is important to remember that before the sequels came out, we had no understanding of why he was after Laurie. He was simply an escaped mental patient who set out to kill her. I guess the idea of someone that I don't know, who cannot be stopped and who cannot be reasoned with trying to kill me without reason scares me.
Pet Semetary |
The Ring |
This film doesn't scare me as much as it used to. Matter of fact, I can make it through most of the film without being scared. I've even gotten to a point to where I can laugh and make fun of most of the film. Yet, when that little girl comes crawling out of the well and through the T.V. I begin to grip the sides of my chair and I check out my exit points. If that little brat is going to come crawling through my TV, I'm getting the hell out of there. I keep on hoping that one of these days I'll be able to watch the film without being freaked out during that part, but it doesn't look promising.
I was beginning to lose faith that a horror film would ever frighten me again. Matter of fact, with all of the horrible, God-awful horror films that I've seen over the past couple of years, I was beginning to lose faith that a good modern day horror film would ever be made again. Then I ran across Oculus and I was extremely impressed. This movie stayed with me and kept my mind occupied for weeks after I saw it. What was really happening? So many movies try for ambiguous movies and fail because they either give too much or they don't give enough. Oculus gave just the right amount. To this day, if I think about the film too much, I cannot look into mirrors afterwards. I'm too freaked out. I've been wanting to sit down and watch this film again, but I can't do it. I cannot watch it alone. I have to have someone with me. It freaks me out way too much for me to be able to sit through it by myself.
Well there you have it. A list of films that actually scare me. Now be honest, you may laugh at my selection and wonder how anyone could be frightened by the films I have listed, but there has to be at least one film that you saw that scared you. If you say that there isn't, only one of two explanations is plausible. A, you don't watch that many horror films or B, there isn't actually a horror film that exist that will scare you because you aren't afraid of anything.
If you're answer is B, may I say....BULLSHIT, you freakin liar!
![]() |
Oculus |
I was beginning to lose faith that a horror film would ever frighten me again. Matter of fact, with all of the horrible, God-awful horror films that I've seen over the past couple of years, I was beginning to lose faith that a good modern day horror film would ever be made again. Then I ran across Oculus and I was extremely impressed. This movie stayed with me and kept my mind occupied for weeks after I saw it. What was really happening? So many movies try for ambiguous movies and fail because they either give too much or they don't give enough. Oculus gave just the right amount. To this day, if I think about the film too much, I cannot look into mirrors afterwards. I'm too freaked out. I've been wanting to sit down and watch this film again, but I can't do it. I cannot watch it alone. I have to have someone with me. It freaks me out way too much for me to be able to sit through it by myself.
Well there you have it. A list of films that actually scare me. Now be honest, you may laugh at my selection and wonder how anyone could be frightened by the films I have listed, but there has to be at least one film that you saw that scared you. If you say that there isn't, only one of two explanations is plausible. A, you don't watch that many horror films or B, there isn't actually a horror film that exist that will scare you because you aren't afraid of anything.
If you're answer is B, may I say....BULLSHIT, you freakin liar!
Friday, November 6, 2015
If You Remember Something Differently From How It Actually Happened, Is that Lying?
I love it when I run across an old movie or episode of a television show that I haven't seen in many years. I'll recall that I liked the movie or the show, and I'll remember certain scenes that caught my attention. Only problem is, I don't always remember the scenes as they actually happened. What I remember and picture in my mind is very close to what actually happened in the movie or television show, but not quite what happened.
For example I first saw, Nowhere To Hide with my Dad when I was really little. Being an animal lover I remembered a scene where a man killed a dog. My memory was of the man slitting the dog's throat. When I watched the movie for the second time 20 years later, I came to discover that the man actually kills the dog by stabbing it in the back of the head. It's a subtle difference, but it really surprised me that as vivid and real as the memory was, it wasn't 100% accurate.
It also recently happened to me when I sat down and watched Casualties of War. I first saw the movie back in 1991, and recently viewed it for the second time about two weeks ago. I remembered a scene where Michael J Fox protects his crew by hitting what I recalled to be a missile that was headed towards them with his gun. Upon my second viewing, I discovered that he actually hits a grenade that is headed towards them.
It makes me wonder how many of my other memories are close but not 100% accurate to what actually took place. I certainly don't mean to remember things other than the way they happened, but it is clear to me that I sometimes do. Does this constitute as a lie?
What are your thoughts?
For example I first saw, Nowhere To Hide with my Dad when I was really little. Being an animal lover I remembered a scene where a man killed a dog. My memory was of the man slitting the dog's throat. When I watched the movie for the second time 20 years later, I came to discover that the man actually kills the dog by stabbing it in the back of the head. It's a subtle difference, but it really surprised me that as vivid and real as the memory was, it wasn't 100% accurate.
It also recently happened to me when I sat down and watched Casualties of War. I first saw the movie back in 1991, and recently viewed it for the second time about two weeks ago. I remembered a scene where Michael J Fox protects his crew by hitting what I recalled to be a missile that was headed towards them with his gun. Upon my second viewing, I discovered that he actually hits a grenade that is headed towards them.
It makes me wonder how many of my other memories are close but not 100% accurate to what actually took place. I certainly don't mean to remember things other than the way they happened, but it is clear to me that I sometimes do. Does this constitute as a lie?
What are your thoughts?
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
MXWA Reunion Show Incomplete without "Midnight" and "The Blue Rocket"
I caught wind the other day that Midwest Xtreme Wrestling Alliance was going to be having a reunion show sometime in March. I have yet to be contacted about this event. I hope that I will be. However, if I am not, I accept and respect that decision.
I can't say that it won't bother me at all if I end up not being booked, because it will. I feel that "The All American" Stephen Stonebraker and "Cousin Larry" were both a part of the phenomenal ensemble of talent that made MXWA a success. I was both a hated heel that drew a lot of heat and a beloved fan favorite. We did a great job of entertaining the communities of Muscatine, West Liberty and Iowa City. I was very much a part of that and I enjoyed being a part of that. I do not deserve to be on an MXWA show anymore than anyone else who helped to make MXWA a success, but I do deserve to be a part of it more than someone brought in from another company. These are my opinions and I realize that they are not shared with everyone else. As I said before there is a high probability that I will not be contacted for the MXWA show. In the minds of some, that is the correct decision to make.
It is a strong possibility that "The Blue Rocket" and "Midnight" might also not be booked for the show. Much more so than myself, the idea of neither one of these guys on this upcoming March of 2016 reunion show is an absolute travesty. "Midnight" is THE VOICE of MXWA. He IS MXWA in so many ways. While we all loved and embraced MXWA, few were as passionate and loyal to the company as Midnight. I keep on waiting for him to contact me saying that he has been booked and that he will be doing play by play color commentary for the show. That would be the right thing to do. Yet, I fear that the moment may not come. I can't think of a single reason why it shouldn't. If anyone deserves to be a part of this show, "Midnight" does.
"The Blue Rocket" also deserves to be a part of this show for many reasons. Perhaps most importantly out of respect. A Central Empire Wrestling show took place in November of 2013, where differences were put aside and people who helped to make CEW a success were booked. In fairness, because it is the right thing to do, the favor should be returned. I hope that it is.
MXWA was a fun, exciting professional wrestling company that entertained fans in a section of southeastern Iowa. It was a success because of a multitude of people who contributed to it. I was one of them. "Midnight" was one of them and "The Blue Rocket" was one of them. As far as I'm concerned that should be acknowledged.
For all those who are going to be a part of MXWA's March of 2016 reunion show, I am happy for all of you. You earned it and you deserve it. I hope you have a blast and a tremendously successful show.
I can't say that it won't bother me at all if I end up not being booked, because it will. I feel that "The All American" Stephen Stonebraker and "Cousin Larry" were both a part of the phenomenal ensemble of talent that made MXWA a success. I was both a hated heel that drew a lot of heat and a beloved fan favorite. We did a great job of entertaining the communities of Muscatine, West Liberty and Iowa City. I was very much a part of that and I enjoyed being a part of that. I do not deserve to be on an MXWA show anymore than anyone else who helped to make MXWA a success, but I do deserve to be a part of it more than someone brought in from another company. These are my opinions and I realize that they are not shared with everyone else. As I said before there is a high probability that I will not be contacted for the MXWA show. In the minds of some, that is the correct decision to make.
It is a strong possibility that "The Blue Rocket" and "Midnight" might also not be booked for the show. Much more so than myself, the idea of neither one of these guys on this upcoming March of 2016 reunion show is an absolute travesty. "Midnight" is THE VOICE of MXWA. He IS MXWA in so many ways. While we all loved and embraced MXWA, few were as passionate and loyal to the company as Midnight. I keep on waiting for him to contact me saying that he has been booked and that he will be doing play by play color commentary for the show. That would be the right thing to do. Yet, I fear that the moment may not come. I can't think of a single reason why it shouldn't. If anyone deserves to be a part of this show, "Midnight" does.
"The Blue Rocket" also deserves to be a part of this show for many reasons. Perhaps most importantly out of respect. A Central Empire Wrestling show took place in November of 2013, where differences were put aside and people who helped to make CEW a success were booked. In fairness, because it is the right thing to do, the favor should be returned. I hope that it is.
MXWA was a fun, exciting professional wrestling company that entertained fans in a section of southeastern Iowa. It was a success because of a multitude of people who contributed to it. I was one of them. "Midnight" was one of them and "The Blue Rocket" was one of them. As far as I'm concerned that should be acknowledged.
For all those who are going to be a part of MXWA's March of 2016 reunion show, I am happy for all of you. You earned it and you deserve it. I hope you have a blast and a tremendously successful show.
Monday, November 2, 2015
The Panderer (The Paul Ryan Song) - A Parody of "The Wanderer" by Dion
Well, I'm the type of guy who wants to make you frown
If something will benefit you, you know I'll vote it down
I'm a huge hypocrite, I have absolutely no shame
if our society sucks, you know I'm one to blame
I'm a panderer. Yeah, I'm a panderer. I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.
I'm rather deft, I'm an extremist to the right
but I'll change my mind 100 times between now and tonight
I have no empathy for those who are oppressed
and I know I'm superior, because I am blessed.
I'm a panderer. Yeah, I'm a panderer. I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.
Well, you know my nose is brown
I'll say I worked hard, although I'm a heir
Anything positive, I'll vote it down
And you know about you, I DO NOT care
Well, as you can tell my nose is browned
I think highly of myself, I should wear a crown
Thought of me as president, makes you wanna hurl
For a buck, I'll destroy the world
I'm a panderer. Yeah, I'm a panderer. I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.
If something will benefit you, you know I'll vote it down
I'm a huge hypocrite, I have absolutely no shame
if our society sucks, you know I'm one to blame
I'm a panderer. Yeah, I'm a panderer. I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.
I'm rather deft, I'm an extremist to the right
but I'll change my mind 100 times between now and tonight
I have no empathy for those who are oppressed
and I know I'm superior, because I am blessed.
I'm a panderer. Yeah, I'm a panderer. I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.
Well, you know my nose is brown
I'll say I worked hard, although I'm a heir
Anything positive, I'll vote it down
And you know about you, I DO NOT care
Well, as you can tell my nose is browned
I think highly of myself, I should wear a crown
Thought of me as president, makes you wanna hurl
For a buck, I'll destroy the world
I'm a panderer. Yeah, I'm a panderer. I'll run our Gov into the ground, the ground, the ground, the ground.
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